Work alongside amazing people

From the very start at AVA you will be involved in tackling the most challenging and strategic problems and working on projects for CEOs and Boards of Top Organizations.

We will match your commitment to us with all the unique opportunity to develop your potential.

We work in small teams, so from day one you will have the opportunity to meet the decision leaders of many industries, working with our Senior Managers and Partners.

What does it take to work with us?

Intellectual horsepower

We believe that Intellectual Horsepower is the driving force behind every initiative and project. It is the ability to quickly understand complex problems, analyze them in depth and develop innovative and effective solutions.

Strong interpersonal skills

We recognize the importance of Strong Interpersonal Skills in the business world. This competency goes beyond mere communication and focuses on the ability to build strong and lasting relationships with colleagues, customers, and business partners.

Interest in helping clients

We seek motivated and passionate individuals who demonstrate a sincere interest in helping our clients achieve their goals.

Demonstrated leadership

We are looking for people who have demonstrated the ability to lead and inspire others toward success. Ideal candidates will have experience taking initiative, taking responsibility for decisions, and leading by example.

Our team members graduated from the top of their class, often with engineering or business majors.
Experienced hires typically have a consulting background.

Cultural fit is a top priority, both for us and the candidate.

Candidates choose us just as much as we choose them.